Module 7 – Content Strategy with Professor Phillip Simon Delivering on an RFP. In this post, I am sharing my final project for my Content Strategy Class. The professor asked us to select one of three Requests For Proposals (RFP) public website solicitations and develop a content strategy for the organization. One of the options […]
Category: Graduate Studies
Anticipatory Design – Good Help is Hard to Build.
Great Service is User-Centered You wake up in the morning and coffee is brewed, breakfast is ready and the morning paper is already opened to your favorite section. The forecast predicts rain, your clothes have been picked out based on the days’ activities, your favorite colors including matching scarf and umbrella. Your driver is waiting […]
Problems, Part 2 – POV Statements
Mod 5- POV Statements with Prof. Bjorn Akselsen What is a POV Statement? According to the Interaction Design Foundation, a non-profit professional organization dedicated to educating tech designers on how to make more people-oriented and user-friendly products, a Point Of View (POV) is a meaningful and actionable problem statement, which will allow you to ideate […]
The Case for Space: DataViz Final Project
STORYTELLING THROUGH VISUALIZATIONS Sourcing Data My final project and very first interactive data story will be about the long term survival of the human race. I will be advocating space colonization. My data story includes historical information regarding population growth. Human expansion and travel. It will also include the current challenges of human environmental damage. […]